For leaders, crises are defining moments. And this current Coronavirus crisis will either amplify your competence or magnify your faults. Never will your aptitude as a leader be more closely examined than when crisis hits. If the leader fails to lead, is absent, silent, or slow to respond, he or she may never be forgiven - so it is essential that we leaders step up, get out in front, and lead. The following are ten practical suggestions to help you lead with excellence in this time of crisis.
1) RECOGNIZE THE CRISIS Be realistic and affirm the crisis as a current reality. Unfortunately, some leaders fail to do this. When crisis hits, they slip into denial, hope for the best and lack the foresight to navigate appropriately. They believe it is better to avoid risky initiatives and settle back into a laissez-faire style of leadership. But by failing to be proactive, leaders set themselves up for conflict, criticism, turmoil and disruption. 2) GET OUT IN FRONT James Witt wrote: “Although it seems unreasonable, unfair and impossible, it is the role of the leader to be many things at many times. In crisis, a leader must be visible, poised, courageous, committed, and attentive. At no other time is a leader’s character more on trial; he must lead and do it well. He must understand that people need to see him and hear him face the challenge head on, even if it puts him at risk.” Harvard Business Essentials states, “During periods of crisis, people look for a strong leader. They don’t look to committees or to teams; they look for a confident, visibly engaged leader to pull them through.” Unfortunately, leaders who don't respond quickly may damage their reputation forever. When hurricane Katrina struck New Orleans, President George Bush lacked initiative—a mistake he never overcame. 3) CAST THE VISION When crisis comes, many organizations descend into general sense of “what should we do?” This is why leaders must articulate a direction for their group—a practical strategy for dealing with their crisis. Although he or she should have a team helping to develop solutions, it is the leader who must ultimately step forward, create forums for clear thinking, decisive direction, and point the way. 4) DEFINE THE CRISIS; DON’T LET THE CRISIS DEFINE YOU When crisis hits, the leader must get in front of the situation before it gains too much momentum and define the situation in his own terms. The language he or she uses, the challenges that will be solved, the response that will be taken, the values they will champion, all serve to establish the character and culture of that group. This is not to say that a leader should capitalize on tragedy to promote himself. Absolutely not. Rather, it is an opportunity for the leader to redeem the crisis by defining the powerful response the organization will take towards it. 5) FOCUS ON THE CORE PURPOSE Successful leaders never lose sight of their organization’s core purpose and constantly point people toward it. They make sure the response to crisis is consistent with their values; and if the team wavers, the leader’s job is to pull them back—to make a course correction. This adjustment can be uncomfortable, but leadership is not about coddling people, leadership is about pulling people to place they ought to be, despite their reluctance to go there. 6) BUILD THE TEAM Any leader who tries to navigate crisis on his or her will undoubtedly fail. Great leaders are great team builders. They “know what they don’t know” and surround themselves with those who do. Moses had the seventy elders of Israel and David had the sons of Issachar who understood the times. Leaders who thrive during crises are leaders who built solid teams by continuously nurturing trust, open communication and personal relationships with key people. During crisis, it is this bond—this sense of trust—that keeps teams united, committed and engaged rather than succumbing to the urge to flee. 7) CONTINUOUSLY PLAN The old saying will always be true: “If you fail to plan, plan to fail.” A key component to crisis management is meeting regularly, with key people, to analyze, evaluate, strategize and assign. Facilitating these meetings is the responsibility of the primary leader. Merely having meetings, however, is not enough. The leader must ensure the meetings are productive and add value to strategy. Never meet just to meet. Frequent meetings without an agenda, relevant data, intelligent brainstorming, and solution-oriented conversation only makes the leader look clueless and confused. Meetings should have a clear purpose, present actionable ideas, and invite open dialogue that allows opposing viewpoints (even with those of the leader). 8) ENCOURAGE THE TROOPS Leaders must always be mindful of how stress, anxiety and discouragement are affecting those managing the crisis. Many people are disabled by fear and uncertainty in the midst of turmoil. When that occurs, leaders need to be present to “encourage the troops” by offering praise and appreciation for the good efforts of those who contribute the most. Positive recognition injects optimism, hope and releases endorphins. Never underestimate the power of these simple acts. Even when you feel discouraged and tired, be sure to bring encouragement. Create of culture of positive energy, high appreciation and hopeful optimism. God is with you, make sure your troops remember that. 9) CONNECT TO YOUR ENABLERS Every organization (especially not-for-profits) have supporters who provide resources at a greater volume than the average donor. Although a leader should never esteem them as more valuable than those of lessor means, the leader must also recognize the key role they play in the organization’s ability to achieve its mission. Don’t assume your top supporters are connected, committed and cohesive. Be sure to tighten the bonds with those who enable your ministry, especially in times of crisis, uncertainty and financial decline. Remember, the enemy is not practicing social distancing and is actively seeking ways to pull your team apart. 10) CONTINUE EARNESTLY IN PRAYER Don’t neglect your spiritual health. Crisis can be a season of stripping and refinement where God allows us to be isolated from the typical means of support we’ve relied upon for years. He’s reminding us that our strength is only in Him. Don’t pull back from prayer, lean into God. Study the Word. In times of crisis, more than ever, your people need a leader who hear from God and bring a in word in season from the Holy Spirit. Never underestimate the impact of a leader’s influence in crisis. His or her presence, posture and poise of is crucial in times of crises. Leaders who meet disorder and disruption head on with clarity, focus and visibility will be distinguished by that crisis as men and women having trustworthy, competent leadership. But figure heads who are absent or silent in such times will not only promote distrust in the organization, they initiate their own eventual downfall. Do not fear crisis. Embrace it. Get in front of it. Take control of it. Recognize it as a natural, healthy cycle of growth. Although the crisis itself is not positive, by demonstrating healthy, intentional leadership, the organization can be made stronger, more cohesive and enduring. An excerpt from Gregg Johnson’s book, Conflict, Crisis and Change. ![]() Henry Ford said, “Successful people get ahead while others waste time.” Effective time management is a skill set with as much importance as technical proficiency or professional expertise. The manager or leader who can make effective use of time will quickly become a person of efficiency and excellence. It should be understood, however, that “Time Management” is a misnomer. No one can manage or control time. It’s more about managing yourself in relation to the limited time you have. We all have 168 hours in a week. How you position yourself with respect to your focus and priorities determines if your time is efficiently used. The following are several general and specific issues for those of us trying to manage our time more effectively. Use a calendar Utilizing a calendar is the most fundamental step to managing your daily activities. If possible, use an app or a program that syncs one calendar to all your devices. It is especially helpful to use reminders and notifications to keep you informed of important meetings or deadlines. Know your deadlines Proactively identify when you need to finish important tasks. Mark the deadlines out clearly in your calendar and set some reminders so you know when these items need to be completed. Use Promotion Schedules A promotion schedule is a master calendar for special projects and events. It lays out a timeline of specific tasks required for completion. Items such as recruiting deadlines, team meetings, graphic design requirements, marketing and promotion dates and other crucial tasks can be laid out in a spreadsheet with corresponding dates, deadlines and assigned personnel. Have an Organized Work space If you have a messy work space, you will feel disorganized and sluggish. You won’t even feel like doing anything since it’s so disorganized. On the other hand, if you have a tidy and organized workspace, you’ll be inspired to get work done. Your frustration and aggravation will be reduced because you will find your things easily rather than waste precious minutes digging through piles of papers for something you saw just the other day. Create a Weekly Plan The most crucial part of your week is the first 30 minutes of the first day of the week. In that time it is helpful to review the week ahead and identify main priorities. Be sure to block out time during certain days for important tasks and determine the best time for meetings, planning exercises, professional study and other essential functions. Personally, I allocate Tuesdays for staff meetings, coaching sessions and certain counseling exercises. Wednesdays are for important phone or video conferences and meetings that happen out of the office and/or professional study. Thursdays are set for mentoring, evaluations, random meetings and administrative tasks. Fridays are for professional study, which for me is sermon preparation and happens at my home office where interruptions are eliminated. It is important to communicate your preferred weekly plan to any administrative assistants who can schedule appointments accordingly. Create a Daily Plan Once you have a weekly plan, it is important to stick to it. Of course there will be exceptions and incidental deviations, but try to follow the plan as much as possible. This means that you must plan each day before it unfolds. It is best to do this in the morning or even better, the night before you go to bed. Identify all the essential tasks and priorities of the day so you can enter your work space with specific work plans in mind. Know Your top 3 Priorities Every Day When planning your daily tasks, it is important to be reasonable. Don’t be overly ambitious and set a schedule so hectic that failure is likely. Identify three achievable goals for that day. This may include meetings to be had, people to call, problems to confront or tasks to complete. If you complete these three items early, then you can start on the next day’s items which will put you ahead going forward. Prioritize: Put First Things First Put the tasks you consider to be most important before anything else. Be mindful that there are a million different things we can pick to do. Some will be important things that make a difference while others will be unimportant things that actually don’t make any difference at all. Out of the millions of things, we must pick and choose, otherwise we’ll forever be drowning in work and never get anything done. Focus on the important and prioritize the latter. Focus on One Thing at a Time No matter how much you like to pride yourself on being a multi-tasker, human beings are actually not effective in doing more than one thing at a time. We may be able to work on multiple items, but chances are the work product will be low quality and full of mistakes. It’s better to focus on doing one thing with excellence at a time. Be Firm, But Be Flexible For pastors, we must be careful not to view people and their needs as interruptions to our ministry. The people are the ministry. For those who are not pastors, it is important to recognize the value in making time for people who have significant challenges and need our attention. Sometimes, allowing for such “interruptions” become meaningful investments in people’s lives and will engender a loyalty that cannot be obtained by mere financial compensation. When people know you care about them and their needs, generally, they will care about you and your needs as well. Having said that, it is crucial to discern if someone is in sincere need of your attention or is simply a distraction. This is what often differentiates the good leaders from the great leaders. Great leaders recognize those crucial opportunities to invest in people whereas good leaders see such relational moments as low value distractions. Eliminate Time Wasters There are things that will steal your time if you let them: Facebook, texts, email, phone calls, twitter feeds and other social networks. Block out these distractions unless you use these tools to generate business. Even then, it requires discipline to not get sucked into the need to update your status with pictures of your fresh, tasty doughnut and cute selfie. Delay Answering The Phone Just because the phone is buzzing doesn’t mean you have to answer it now. Of course there are certain people in our “up-line” that should always have access to us like supervisors or company owners, but there are many people ringing our phone who can wait. Managing time effectively means you do not become a slave to the phone. Set up your voicemail to indicate you’ll call back by a certain time of the day or schedule a time in the late morning or afternoon to return calls. That way, you’re in control of who you talk to and when. This also allows you to review their voicemail message and prepare yourself with the proper information before you call them back. Sometimes A Voice Is Better Than an Email Sometimes it’s better to use email because you want to memorialize directions or make sure things are properly communicated. However, many times it's better to pick up the phone or walk down the hall and talk directly to colleagues. You can give precise direction and clear up misunderstandings quickly. This also helps to avoid future wasted time because of miscommunication or offense. Cut Off Conversations When You Need To Learn how to end meetings and cut off conversations that are taking too much time. If not inappropriate or disrespectful, don’t be afraid to interrupt the person speaking with a comment such as, “I have to get going,” or “I’m going to let you go” or “I don’t want to take up any more of your time” and then insert a closing remark. Sometimes you have to preempt what you know will be a long meeting or belabored phone call by informing them, “I have a hard stop in 15 minutes or 2:30 and will have to go.” Guard your time. Don’t allow people to be in control of your coming and going, unless they sign your paycheck. Learn To Say “No” Remember, every time we say yes to one thing, we are saying no to something else. If the person requesting your help isn’t a boss or supervisor, you must show discretion before agreeing to commit. Learn how to decline respectfully and without feeling guilty. Some easy responses include: “That won’t work for me right now, but I’ll get back to you if anything changes,” or “I really appreciate you thinking of me, but I’ve just got too much on my plate right now.” Don’t feel like you have to give specific detail about why your declining and don’t feel like you owe that person an explanation. Simply state that you are unable, look the person in the eye and embrace the awkward silence. Remember, you have to guard your time and resist being everyone’s problem solver. Learn To Delegate To Others As you are organizing your weekly or daily plan, ask yourself the question, ”Is there someone else who can do this task?” Too often, we feel important or significant because we think we are uniquely qualified to complete the task. But there’s always someone else who can do it, and sometimes better. If you are a manager, resist those guilty feelings that come with assigning tasks to others. Remember, it’s the leader who delegates that makes himself effective. Let go and let others. Be Mindful of Manipulation There are actual persuasion techniques that people often use when making an “ask.” Common ones include “Reciprocity.” People often give you something before making an “ask” because they know about the psychological tendency to want to reciprocate. Then there is “Making Two Asks.” When people ask for something and you say no, they increase the odds that when they ask for something else (usually something smaller), you’ll say yes. “Well, if you can’t help out tomorrow, could you at least proof read this white page?” “Anchoring” is another ploy. They’ll say something like, “Most people donate $100,” or “Most other parents volunteer 5 hours,” and so on. Watch out for manipulative people who will try to steal your time to make themselves more effective. Remember, guard your time and stay focused on your essential tasks. The world is full of good leaders. But what makes a great leader? What are the qualities that cause certain men and women to lead their teams from merely doing a good job to achieving something great? What is it about them that not only attracts highly competent people, but inspires them to go above and beyond and achieve greatness?
1. An attractive attitude. People today are looking for hope. They have enough disappointment and negativity in their lives. If you are a gloomy, complaining, pessimistic person you will be regarded as another toxic influence to be avoided, especially by healthy, optimistic, high-achieving people. But if you demonstrate a can-do attitude of joyful optimism and confidence, you’ll inspire hope in others and be regarded as life-giving and empowering. High-achievers understand the importance of having such people in their lives and will be attracted to you. They will see you as a source of encouragement and strength in their life that will take them higher in their pursuit of greatness. 2. A compelling vision. People need a sense of purpose. Everyone is searching for significance and has a need to be a part of something greater than themselves. Nowhere is this truer than with high-achievers. They need to know their work matters and is making a difference. Leaders who want great team members must communicate their vision with clarity and passion. They must be compelling, not simply by describing what the future looks like, but by inspiring people to see the significant role they play in the vision—that, in fact, the vision cannot be accomplished without that person’s specific, individual abilities and presence. 3. A smart management style. People today are looking, not only for good leaders, they want capable managers. Unfortunately, not all leaders are good managers and not all managers are good leaders. But the best leaders are also capable managers. They understand, not only the long term vision, but the immediate goals that need to be achieved to reach that vision. As well, they are able to articulate those goals in an inspiring way, connect people to those goals and coach them through the process of successfully achieving them. These leader/managers are exciting. Because of their confident ability to identify goals and coach people toward successfully achieving those goals, they fill their team members’ lives with victories and a sense of personal fulfillment. 4. A motivating environment. People need to be inspired. Without inspiration, work becomes monotonous and mundane. It’s nothing more than a series of routines that one tolerates until the task is done. Great leaders are able to inspire people. In other words they understand what motivates people internally. They know what people need to hear, see and receive to keep them excited about their work and personally fulfilled. It can be as simple as a sincere compliment, a genuine thank you, a public recognition or a team award. Whatever it takes, the leader keeps the culture of his team lively and exciting by keeping his people motivated and inspired. 5. A high standard. Good people want to be challenged. They’re not looking for the easy way out or the path of least resistance. They work hard and want to know that their hard work is contributing to a worthy cause. If they are not given assignments that challenge them or cause them to achieve higher goals or better themselves, they will be left feeling insignificant and unfulfilled. While leaders should not be overly demanding, neither should they be apologetic for giving difficult assignments. Instead, leaders should convey the value of the task to the organization’s objectives. Raise the standard, but help workers to appreciate the importance of the assignment as a crucial to the mission of the team. 5 Reason High Quality People Don't Want To Be On Your TeamGood people are hard to come by. It's even harder to hold on to them. It takes a special leader to keep high achievers on his team, performing to their highest potential. Leaders who are unable to do so usually share the same deficiencies:
1. Their attitude is unattractive. Most people make the mistake of thinking vision is what attracts people to a team. It’s not—at least not at first. What initially attracts people is the leader. As John Maxwell has said, people buy into the leader first and then they buy into the leader’s vision. If your attitude is positive, optimistic and inspiring, people will be attracted to you. But if you’re a complainer, pessimistic and discouraged, people will see you as toxic and, for their own peace of mind, separate from you. 2. Their team lacks vision. Vision is the ability to see. For the leader, it is the ability to see into the future. The leader’s vision must be so compelling that people see it for themselves, take ownership of it, and invest themselves in it personally. For such “buy in” to occur, leaders need to communicate vision in a way that each person sees the significant role they have on the team and how their contribution is crucial to its success. 3. Their people are not motivated. Every worker needs to be paid, even volunteers. For the volunteer, however, their payment is not through extrinsic monetary means, it’s intrinsic. Volunteers are motivated by something internal. They are looking for a deeper sense of personal fulfillment, that’s why they show up and sacrifice their time and energy, because the vision resonates with them personally. For the leader, this is key. He or she must keep their people connected to the vision by validating that sense of significance they are looking for. Verbal affirmation, public recognition, personal acknowledgement all become key motivators to empower people with an inner sense of significance rising out of their performance on the team. 4. Their management skills are lacking. Good leaders attract good people. Attracting good people, however, is one thing; keeping them is another thing entirely. Sometimes leaders complain about their team. They complain about being criticized or challenged or disrespected. What they often fail to realize is that the problem is not always with their people. More often, the problem is with the leaders. If you have good people on your team, they will be your greatest asset—if you are a good leader. If you are a bad leader, unable to establish goals, allocate resources, make decisions, assign targets and hold people accountable—these good people will become your worst nightmare. Not because they don’t “like” you, but because they understand good leadership and effective management and your deficiencies are frustrating them. 5. Their performance standards are too low. Another reason why good people leave teams is because poor performance on the part of their underachieving coworkers is tolerated as an acceptable norm. Leaders have the responsibility of determining culture. The behaviors the leader allows or disallows set the tone of the environment. Lateness, disrespect, complaining, sloppy work or unprofessionalism can be very frustrating for people who become personally invested in the vision. Overtime, good people will not want to be affiliated with a shoddy team nor will they feel satisfied investing themselves in it. |
February 2023
It was concerning King Saul that David said, “How the mighty have fallen, and the weapons of war perished.” His was a life that began with great promise and celebration, but ended in miserable failure and humiliation. His life is an example of how the mightiest of leaders fail.
Why do great men and women fall? How do leaders, quick to ascend with such promise of unparalleled success, find themselves awash in disastrous failure and disgrace? More importantly, can the path toward one’s downfall be discerned before it’s too late and be avoided? It is the premise of my newest book, How The Mighty Have Fallen that such a decline can be detected and reversed. The life and leadership career of King Saul, Israel's first king, provides us with a treasury of examples of "what not to do." The below blog post is the first in series of excerpts from the book to examine and avoid Saul's mistakes and find a successful path through leadership. READ AN EXCERPT |