Leadership is more than standing behind a pulpit, inspiring an audience. Leadership is more than sitting in an office with a title that says “C.E.O.” Leadership is about people. It’s about the capacity to influence, rally, and motivate a group of individuals to unite as a team and accomplish a vision. No one is truly a leader unless they can build a healthy team.
But not every team that calls itself a team is actually a team. Some so-called “teams” are simply groups of people sharing common interests. Other so-called “teams” are merely people gathered together because of their positions in an organization. What makes a team is more specific. Becoming a team requires focus, collaboration, and productivity. Teams are defined by the results they produce and the efficiency by which they produce it. Building Healthy Teams will help both leaders and team members to fully appreciate the value of teams and the unique opportunity that serving on one provides. ORDER HERE |
about "pressure points"We pastors should not worry about who might be offended if we speak truth. Instead, we should worry about who will continue being deceived if we don't. Today, truth most be spoken to culture! This is what Pressure Points is all about.
Instead of speaking truth clearly and persuasively, we champion tolerance by making accommodation for society’s immorality. Somehow, we believe it’s the way to win the world to Christ: don’t offend them by talking about sin and repentance, befriend them by talking about God’s love and acceptance. Unfortunately, by taking this approach, we give the world a false hope and make peace with the immorality that has destroyed countless lives. Even more, the immorality we’ve permitted in the name of tolerance is now influencing the very culture of the church. Issues such as abortion, homosexuality, cohabitation and premarital sex are no longer taboo for Christians, in many circles these are quite common. This signifies a huge shift in the church—one that we cannot ignore. What began as tolerance, has evolved into acceptance and is now becoming established norm. The culture of this world is taking root in the church and soon the two will be indistinguishable. Pressure Points calls out these areas of conflict and reminds us to affirm biblically held truths and declare our fidelity to the canon of scripture. |